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To Ritche !!!

Dennis Ritchie, whom we all know as the creator of the C programming language passed away on Oct 12, 2011. We have lost one of the brilliant minds of mankind. I owe him this post for he has been one of the greatest inspirations in my life and the very reason that I am into programming.

Dennis Ritchie (1941-2011)
The first time I saw Ritchie's picture, I felt him like Jesus. I would say that the divinity that his face reflected pulled into the world of programming. It was during my college days that I lay hands on his book - The C Programming Language. It is one of the most influential computer books I have read. I had read it at least a couple of times and referred it a thousand times. I felt it like a lecture by Ritchie. And so I had marked a lot of pages with comments and questions as if they are addressed directly to Ritchie himself. I had the book with me almost all the time. I even hide myself in the last row during other lectures to read the book. I felt excited reading the book. The book has a special place on my book shelf.

C is the among the first programming languages that I learnt, and it has its influence on me until this day. In the same way, it still has its influence in the computer industry. And his work on Unix, it proposed and implemented the principles of a modern operating system and also opened the gates of open source programming. Kudos to his contributions to the field of computer science.

I believe he will continue to live among us and be remembered all the time through his work and creations.

May his soul rest in peace.

See Also: Rob Pike's wall post on Google+.


Unknown said…
Thanks a lot for sharing. Nice post. Android Developer.

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