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Showing posts from September, 2009

Curious Case Of Anonymous Delegates !!!

Senthil has left us thrilled in his new post , and also inspired me to write about the topic . Although, anonymous delegates have become a mundane stuff amongst programmers, there is still these subtle stuff left unexplored. Alright, let us try to answer Senthil's question before he unravels the mystery in his next post. A delegate is identified by its target. The target is the method to be executed on a delegate invocation and its associated instance or type. If the target is an instance method, the delegate preserves the target method pointer and the object instance. If the target is a static method, the delegate preserves the target method pointer and the type to which it belongs. So when a code like the one below to register a method to an event (or multicast delegate) is executed, a delegate object (EventHandler here) with the target information embedded is created and added to the invocation list of the event (or multicast delegate, KeyPressed here). class SomeForm { pr...